What Shipping Methods Are Available?
Ans: EXPRESS & SUPER EXPRESS (1-7 Working Days)
(Excluding events like pandemics, floods, transport disruptions, courier technical issues, or labor/staff shortages that may affect delivery times.)
How long should I expect to wait to receive my package?
Ans: All packages are shipped from Uglow Sport HQ in Hong Kong. Depending on the shipping service selected and your location, delivery should be expected within 1-7 Working days.
Do You Ship Internationally?
Ans: Yes
If I use a Discount or Coupon Code will I still receive free shipping?
Ans: The use of a Coupon or Promotion Code will not qualify your order for free shipping.
Do you provide free shipping worldwide?
Ans: Applies only to orders at 100% RRP (no promo/discount applied) with a minimum order value of 90€. Eligibility may vary based on shipping destination. Few examples are (Hong Kong, Chile, Reunion, Iceland, Namibia, Guadeloupe, Argentina, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam and Caledonia!
Payment Information
What Payment Methods Are Accepted?
Ans: Credit Card (VISA, MASTERCARD, American Express), Apple Pay.
Is my online purchase safe?
Ans: Yes, our website is 100% safe and secure. We have installed a 64bit SSL certificate on our server which encrypts the information entered on our checkout. As per standard operating procedures, no card details are saved on our server.
Orders and Returns
How do I place an Order?
Ans: Our full product range is available on Please select the product, choose your size and click ‘Add to Cart’ before proceeding to checkout. You will receive an email confirmation as soon as your payment is successful.
Do I need an account to place an order?
Ans: It’s not compulsory, but we recommend you create an account at checkout so that you can track the status of your order. Also, by creating an account future transactions will also be faster.
Who should I to contact if I have any queries?
How Can I Cancel Or Change My Order?
Ans: Please email (shop(@) within 24 hours from the time you placed your order. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that your order will be cancelled upon request as the Uglow Sport Team works as fast as we can to process all orders and we aim to fulfil all orders within the next business day. If your order has already been dispatched, we are no longer able to cancel your order, but you are welcome to return your item as per our Return & Exchange policy.
How Do I Track My Order?
Ans: Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a confirmation email with your Tracking Number. You can track your order live here. If you have not received a shipping confirmation email within three business days of your order or you are having difficulty tracking your order then please get in touch via (shop(@)
Where is my order?
Ans: Please contact our customer support team at (shop(@) if your parcel has not arrived after the above mentioned estimated shipping time.
What if I provided an incorrect shipping address?
Ans: Please notify us as soon as possible via (shop(@) to provide the correct shipping address. If your order has already been shipped we will not be able to amend the shipping details. If your parcel is returned to Uglow Sport HQ due to incorrect or incomplete shipping details then additional shipping fees will be applied to your order.
Do I need a PayPal account to purchase from you?
Ans: No, not necessary to have a PayPal account to purchase from us. You can Pay with Credit Card or apple-pay as well.
What if my order is damaged?
Ans: We are extremely sorry if this has happened. Please help us to resolve this matter as soon as possible by emailing shop (shop(@) within seven days of the date of delivery. In your email, please provide pictures of the damage and a copy of your purchase invoice.
Can I return or exchange an item?
Ans: Please refer to our Return & Exchange policy here.
OTHER Related Questions
Is there a sizing chart available?
Ans: Of course, please check your measurements here:
Can I use more than one promotional/discount code on my order?
Ans: The promotional/discount code only applies once per order.
Will I be charged customs and duties?
Ans: In the majority of cases you will not be charged as the order value is smaller than the tax threshold, however, this may change depending on the regulations enforced by your country of residence. Please note that this Is out of our control and we do apologise if you are requested to pay additional Tax or Customs Duty on receipt of your order.
Can’t find an answer to your question?
Please do not hesitate to contact us at (shop(@) Our friendly customer care support will get back to you as soon as possible within 24 – 48 hours.