We believe in self belief, creating your own path and following that path. From this belief stemmed our brand name: YOU GLOW became UGLOW.
Our first company was founded in 2011 and was known as UGLOW Ltd. This allowed us to build our brand foundations and in 2012 we designed and manufactured our first collection with a purpose to enhance night time visibility for recreational or industrial use. This collection filled a gap in the market at the time for high visibility night time apparel and accessories which make the user seen and safe.
This first collection created excitement and interest from global retailers and we received requests for more conventional running, cycling and lifestyle apparel. Entering the highly competitive sports apparel market required a point of difference for the UGLOW brand to stand out. UGLOW’s CEO and Founder, Romain Jean De Dieu, drove UGLOW with innovations in fully bonded textile assembly utilising premium fabrics in search of ultimate comfort and performance.
UGLOW designed the the first range of 100% Stitch-Free running apparel in 2015 and continues to develop stitch-free apparel across our Run, Ride, Live and Warrior Collections.
We’re the #championsofcomfort always learning, developing and performing.
